In this episode, part 4 and final episode of the mini-series on the flavors of Energetic Agriculture (EA), I'm going to move away from pure electroculture and instead talk briefly about the some use of some subtle energies in agriculture. Topics include lunar gardening, consciousness, pyramid energy and more... There are many many more areas of subtle energy not covered here like ley lines, radionics, orgone energy and more... Stay tuned for more!

The Energetic Agriculture Podcast
The focus of our show is to teach and discuss the various aspects of growing plants with electricity, magnetism, and subtle energies, etc. We’ve been at this for more than 12 years and are eager to share our discoveries with you!
The focus of our show is to teach and discuss the various aspects of growing plants with electricity, magnetism, and subtle energies, etc. We’ve been at this for more than 12 years and are eager to share our discoveries with you!Listen on
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